Palestinian Refugees #

Important: While it is vital we support Palestinian refugees, they should not have to flee their homeland to seek safety and freedom. The settler colony of israel, in coalition with settler colonies of usa, canada, australia and other states, have created the conditions for Palestinians to become repeat refugees. Core to Palestinian liberation is the right of return. We must fight for this when we call for a Free Palestine.1

El Rahman Inc. #

El Rahman Inc. is a non-profit supporting Palestinian families from Gaza in Naarm (Melbourne).

  • Donate to support El Rahman’s work using these bank details:2
    • Account Name: EL-RAHMAN
    • Reference: GAZA FAMILY SUPPORT
    • BSB: 063-590
    • Account Number: 1081 6186
  • Contact El Rahman regarding volunteering, donations, drop offs, pick ups, and all other inquiries:3
    • Phone Number: (03) 9811 6509
    • Operating Hours:
      • Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM
      • Saturday, 12PM-3PM

RISE eX-detainees #

RISE eX-detainees, a grassroots advocacy and welfare organisation that is run, governed and managed by eX-detainees, Asylum Seekers and Refugees. They are collecting laptops for students from Gaza who have recently arrived in Melbourne. If you have a laptop in good working condition and would like to donate, please mail to:

RISE eX-detainees
247 , Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000

Make a tax-deductible donation to the RISE Emergency Relief Drive, delivering essential aid and support to eX-detainees, asylum seekers and refugees in crisis.

Housing Displaced Gazans Arriving in australia #

Palestinian Christians in Australia (PCIA) is providing financial and material support for accommodating families arriving from Gaza. PCIA fundraising has housed and paid rent for 7 families over 8 months.

At least 50 more families are expected to arrive. Check their Instagram for callouts, and donate to their drive:

  • Bank Transfer:
    • Account Name: Palestinian Christians in Australia
    • BSB: 082-356
    • Account Number: 766945606
  • Direct Debit

Reuniting Hearts: A Call For Compassion #

Donate here to support 5 Palestinian families arriving in Boorlo (Perth).

Mutual Aid For Gazan Refugees #

Donate to this account to support a family who have arrived in Naarm (Melbourne) as refugees from Gaza. 100% of funds will go towards their visa applications, utility bills, food, clothing, furniture, electronics, medical expenses, travel expenses, daily expenses, toys, educational purposes, toiletries, personal needs and anything else that they may need.4 See the original callout here.

  • Account Name: Mazenah El Hassan
  • Reference: Gaza Refugee Aid
  • BSB: 063-097
  • Account Number: 8989 1626

SWANA Queers Naarm T-Shirts #

Fill out this order form to get one of three anti-zionist t-shirt designs from SWANA Queers Naarm. Any funds above cost will be donated to El Rahman Inc, other grassroots collectives supporting Gazan refugees, and other grassroots Palestinian initiatives (dependent on need). Prices are on a sliding scale - more information can be found in the order form.

Aus Relief: Support Palestinians Arriving In “Australia” #

Aus Relief is an NGO currently supporting 60 widows and orphans arriving from Gaza to australia, by providing them with essential supplies, medical check-ups, and psychological support. Donate to this project’s fundraiser.

Aus Relief have also been collaborating with other humanitarian aid organisations on the ground to send food, bedding, and medical supplies to affected areas of Gaza. Donate to support their work here – choose ‘Palestine & Gaza Crisis Appeal 2023’ from the drop-down menu under the heading ‘How Much Would You Like to Donate?’

General Mutual Aid #

Rebuild Burgatory Caulfield #

Donate here to support Hash Tayeh rebuild his Caulfield store after it was burned down due to anti-Palestinian hate crime.

Support Community Activist Riyad #

Riyad Aladassi is a Palestinian nurse and activist who has spent years organising for Palestine, and recently went on a hunger strike at the Naarm Block The Dock camp to protest the australian government’s support of genocide.5 He has lost 85% of vision in his right eye due to stress and the effects of the hunger strike. Due to surgery and his efforts, he has and will continue to take time off work, but won’t be entitled to sick leave as he is a casual worker.6

Donate to his bank account to support him and his family during his recovery:

  • Account Name: Riyad Aladassi
  • BSB: 733369
  • Account Number: 615740
  • Please include the word “Gift” in the payment description

Muhib’s Mutual Aid Fund #

Donate here to help Muhib, a Palestinian organiser based in Naarm and Meanjin, cover their living expenses while they spend most of their time doing unpaid organising work.

Notes #

  1. @wejdan.shamala. Instagram. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  2. El Rahman Inc. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  3. El Rahman Inc. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  4. Mazenah Bahouche. <> Accessed 13/3/24. ↩︎

  5. Zena Chamas. ABC News. <> Accessed 2/1/24. ↩︎

  6. @snarky.mish. Instagram Story 26/11/23. <> Accessed 2/1/24. ↩︎