Public demonstrations are undertaken as an expression of collective defiance against systemic oppression. This includes, but is not limited to, protesting, industrial action and civil disobedience.

We need sustained mobilisation that is not insubstantial and sporadic. To do this, we must engage sustainably by pacing ourselves, showing up and organising strategically, and adapting to evolving demands and risks.

All public demonstrations possess inherent risks. There is potential for any individual demonstration to escalate or deescalate, depending on many variables that organisers may not be able to predict.

Therefore, as an attendee, you are also responsible for keeping yourself and others as safe as possible by adequately assessing these risks before showing up and responding to changing circumstances during a demonstration. Before participating, take the time to inform yourself about safety, privacy and rights concerns associated with demonstrations.

Tip: Help amplify demonstrations to a wider audience by circulating breaking news or visuals of actions, protests, and events.1

IMPORTANT: Groups that have been organising actions that are not Palestine-specific, have this symbol ( ** ).

Supporting local actions #

Provide your presence, skills, knowledge, or materials to local actions. Check with your local action groups about volunteer opportunities and current organisational needs.2

  • You may be able to:

    • provide IT support
    • collect supplies needed for demonstrations
    • answer phones or make calls
    • do data entry
    • upload, organise, and archive documentation.
  • If you have a car or bike, consider being a transportation hub for supplies, food, materials, and emergency supplies.

  • Attend planning meetings or strategy calls.

Volunteer as a Marshal #

Melbourne / Naarm #

Free Palestine Melbourne is urgently seeking marshals. At rallies and community events, community defence marshals work collectively to control potentially violent confrontation situations, prevent injuries, and avoid arrests.3

Marshal training and deployment carries inherent risks. You can find more thorough details in the marshal training manual.

To volunteer, join the Marshals WhatsApp Group here. The most up-to-date info regarding in-person training and online meetings for volunteer marshals will be communicated through the WhatsApp Group.

Further information will be added soon.

Student Encampments #

Further updates coming soon.

Action Groups and Initiatives #

Follow local action groups to stay informed on a variety of demonstration efforts.

IMPORTANT: Before participating, take the time to inform yourself about safety, privacy and rights concerns associated with demonstrations.

International #

A15 (April 15th) Economic Blockades for a Free Palestine: Website | Instagram

A coordinated multi-city economic blockade on April 15th in solidarity with Palestine. Direct actions and protests will target major economic choke points and weapons manufacturers in over 50 cities, including: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Alice Springs, Castlemaine, Geelong, Dandenong, Darwin, and Perth.

To receive details about your local action:

National #

Canberra / Ngunnawal And Ngambri Country #

Sydney / Gadigal Country #

Newcastle #

Perth / Boorloo #

Melbourne / Naarm #

The Sit-Intifada have created an ongoing calendar of in-person actions by various organisations in Naarm (Melbourne) that is being updated weekly. The calendar is open access and can also be updated by the public with other actions not already listed.

  • Free Palestine Coalition Naarm: Instagram
  • Free Palestine Melbourne: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
  • The Sit–Intifada at Parliament of Victoria: Instagram
  • Teachers for Palestine VIC: Instagram
  • Unimelb for Palestine: Instagram | Twitter
  • Monash For Palestine Instagram
  • RMIT Students for Palestine: Instagram | Facebook
  • Block The Dock: Instagram
  • Free Palestine Bendigo: Instagram
  • Loud Jew Collective:** Instagram
  • Jews Against Fascism:** Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
    • To join the Jews Against Facism bloc every week at Naarm’s Sunday rallies, meet at the south-east corner of the State Library of Victoria’s Redmond Barry Statue. See a diagram of the meeting point here.
  • IRL Infoshop Post-Rally Debrief Space: Instagram | Facebook | Website
    • IRL Infoshop (144 Sydney Rd, Coburg) is open for tea, snacks, connection, and reading from 4-6pm after Sunday rallies. Entry instructions and some accessibility information can be found here.

Geelong / Djilang #

Brisbane / Meanjin #

Adelaide / Kaurna #

  • Students for Palestine Adelaide: Instagram | Facebook
  • Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism:** Facebook
  • Australian Friends of Palestine Association: Instagram
  • Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Facism: Instagram

Hobart / Nipaluna #

Darwin / Larrakia Nation #

Union Groups #

Follow these action groups to stay informed about industrial action efforts.

Australian Unionists Supporting Palestine #

See here for a centralised resource for upcoming union events or talks on Palestine.

Unionists For Palestine #

Unionists for Palestine is an aggregate for all rank and file unionists taking action across australia for a free Palestine.

Instagram | X (twitter)

ASU Members For Palestine #

Instagram | X (twitter)

MEAA Members For Palestine #

Instagram | X (twitter)

Provide Remote Support For Protestors #

  • Offer to be an emergency contact for people attending marches and rallies.4
    • Get the person’s full name and date of birth, medical information (if they feel comfortable sharing), and contact info for anyone they want you to alert should they be detained or hurt.
    • Print out and/or write these details. Do not store people’s personal information using any Google services– Google is not a secure platform.5
    • Have contact details for relevant legal aid support on hand.
    • Check in by text once an hour so that you’re aware of their whereabouts and current protest conditions.
  • Hold bail for someone to prepare for the possibility of arrest.6
  • Cook a pre- or post-march meal, or pack food for people attending actions.7
    • If far away or trying to maintain physical distance, offer to order food delivery or pay for groceries to help people recuperate post-event.
  • Coordinate or provide childcare for protestors and those supporting at the frontlines.8
    • Have a plan prepared for any extenuating circumstances, like separation from a parent or caregiver, or arrests.
    • Consider any legal implications, in case a parent being arrested could jeopardise custody in any way, and how that shapes a plan for who can do childcare.
  • Create a homebase where folks who are protesting can take physical and emotional breaks indoors with others.9
    • Gather people doing other types of remote support, such as working as emergency contacts.
    • If you’re not able to offer your literal home as an in-person homebase, you could instead support via online communication.
  • Coordinate rides/transport.
    • Mapping out accessible routes to protests/demonstrations for others.10
    • If you are able to operate and own a vehicle, offering transportation (whilst masked properly, see Covid Safety) to those attending events.
  • Offer support with medical needs and assessments.11
    • If you can afford or can spare medical supplies, backup assistive devices, masks, and/or medications, and share them with those who are in need.
  • Support, attend, or organise healing justice events such as vigils or solidarity symposiums, virtually or in person.12
  • If you have the skills or can do research, help your community plan to combat digital surveillance.13
    • Learn how to use encrypted messaging apps like Signal, and walk people through how to set up and use them.
    • Go through steps to strengthen digital security together.
    • Host a training or create social media-friendly guides to digital security at protests.

Notes #

  1. Beyond the Streets. []( Accessed 1/1/24. ↩︎

  2. Disability Visibility Project (contributors listed in source). <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  3. Community Defence Marshalling System. <> Accessed 7/12/23. ↩︎

  4. Disability Visibility Project (contributors listed in source). <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  5. Jack Morse. Mashable. <> Accessed 27/12/23; Justin Hendry. iTnews. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  6. Disability Visibility Project (contributors listed in source). <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  7. Beyond the Streets. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  8. Beyond the Streets. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  9. Beyond the Streets. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  10. Disability Visibility Project (contributors listed in source). <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  11. Disability Visibility Project (contributors listed in source). <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  12. Beyond the Streets. <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎

  13. Disability Visibility Project (contributors listed in source). <> Accessed 27/12/23. ↩︎