Distribute Posters, Flyers and Art #

Put it up in your neighbourhood, in your room, at your workplace, unis, and in public spaces!

Instructions on how to wheatpaste posters here1.

Queers In Palestine #

Queers in Palestine (Website | Instagram) is an organisation of Queer Palestinians that has collectivised to assert Palestinian liberation as Queer liberation (and vice versa) - a vital intervention against the rainbow washing of israeli occupation.

They have created a wealth of resources and materials, including online posts that can be shared online, and print materials that can be put up in physical spaces. Queers in Palestine have specifically called for these resources to be shared and amplified, and also to send them documentations of this amplification. See below for access to these resources:

The Palestine Poster Project Archives #

An ongoing digital archive of 18000+ Palestine and anti-Zionism posters collected since the 1970s by Dan Walsh. Find all posters here.

Find more information about the PPPA: Website | Instagram

Justseeds Downloadable Graphics #

Justseeds is a repository of free, high-res, downloadable graphics. Each artist maintains the copyright and manages the permissions to their work, and all images - remember to read the terms and conditions for commercial and non-commercial use. They also work to support themselves and their families so please consider donating, especially if you are an organisation with a budget.

‘’Palestine will be free! Graphic care-package #3’’, can be found here. Explore the rest of the site for other Palestine related graphic care-packages!

Artists Against Apartheid #

Artists Against Apartheid toolkit contains 100 posters made by artists from across the world in solidarity with Palestine. You are encouraged to show these posters in community spaces, galleries and in the streets and can be found here.

Free Palestine Posters By Yasuko Toda #

Image description: Left image is a green and white poster containing hand-drawn illustrations and messages supporting Palestine in both English and Japanese. Middle image is an orange, green, and red illustration of a person eating watermelon behind text reading “Just stop genocide فلسطين حرة”. Right image is a green, red, and white illustrated poster of people holding watermelons behind messages supporting Palestine in English, Arabic, and Japanese.

Download posters created by artist Yasuko Toda for free here and here.

Judy Kuo Poster #

 a person holding up a landscape A3 handdrawn poster. The poster depicts the Palestinian flag. Written across it in spiky lettering are the words: A free Palestine in this lifetime.

Image description: a person holding up a landscape A3 hand drawn poster. The poster depicts the Palestinian flag. Written across it in spiky lettering are the words: A free Palestine in this lifetime.

Download here.

Palestine Art for Protests #

Download here.

Note: More usa focused, but still a lot of helpful art to use!

Sourced from @micahbazant and their Instagram post.

“From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free” #

Image Description: A brown person with their face covered by a keffiyeh. Behind them is blood splattered across the Palestinian flag. Overlaid is an illustration of Black and brown hands holding each other and the text “FROM THE RIVER” “TO THE SEA” “PALESTINE WILL BE FREE”.

Download here.

Created by @ggggrimes, a Black and transgender artist from the us.

Matt Chun Graphics #

Artist Matt Chun (@matt.chun) has gathered drawings and design elements they have made for Palestine over the years into a free, downloadable folder on their website.

BDS Stickers #

Image description: A circular black, red, green, and white sticker. Around the edge of the sticker is the text “This product supports genocide and apartheid”. In the centre of the sticker is the text “Boycott for a Free Palestine” and an illustration of a slice of watermelon.

@nicorette666 has created a free, downloadable sticker design that you can print yourself and use to mark products to boycott.

Download a solid version here.

Download a transparent version here.

Club Chutzpah Anti-Zionist Jewish Posters #

Image description: Bold, stylised black-and-white text reading “Not In Our Name”, over an illustration of a bomb landing. Underneath is standard text reading “Jews for a Free Palestine” and a QR code in the right hand corner.

Club Chuztpah (Linktree) has gathered anti-Zionist Jewish posters they have created in a free, downloadable folder. The folder also contains instructions on how to wheatpaste posters.

Wear Your Keffiyeh In Public #

The Keffiyeh (AKA the “kuffiyeh”, “kufiya“shemagh” and “hatta”) is a traditional Arabic scarf that holds significant symbolic value as a marker of resistance, self-determination, and justice for Palestinians.

Originally popular amongst farmers as a form of sun protection, and again amongst Palestinians of all classes during the 1930s Arab Revolt, wearing the keffiyeh has come to be seen as an unspoken expression of sovereignty and solidarity with the Palestinian cause.2 Wear it to class, on campus, at your workplaces, or in any social setting!

What Is The Symbolism Of The Keffiyeh Pattern? #

Image description: A picture of a black-and-white keffiyeh folded into a square. Labels with red arrows point to different parts of the pattern. Text reading “Olive Leaves: Perseverance, strength and resilience” points to a leaf pattern along the edge of the fabric. Text reading “Bold Routes: Trade routes of natural & cultural merchant exchange” points to a solid line pattern bordering the olive leaves. Text reading “Fishnets: Palestinian sailors and the Mediterranean sea” points towards a fishnet pattern making up the majority of the keffiyeh.

The distinctive pattern of the keffiyeh combines three elements. First, the olive-leaves pattern represents perseverance, strength, and resilience. Second, the bold line pattern represents historical trade routes and cultural exchange. Finally, the fishnet pattern represents Palestinian fishers and the people’s connection to the Mediterranean.3

Can Non-Arabs Wear The Keffiyeh? #

Anyone in support of the Palestinian cause may wear the keffiyeh in solidarity. However, it is important that when wearing the keffiyeh, ‘one makes an effort to learn its symbolism and show appreciation for the Palestinian culture and cause. Otherwise, wearing the headscarf simply as a fashion statement can be considered cultural appropriation.’4

Where Can I Order My Own Keffiyeh? #

When purchasing a keffiyeh, you should try to buy one from a Palestinian or Arab-owned company. If you are unable to, make sure to research the company you are buying from, and ensure that they are donating their profits towards supporting Palestine or Palestinian organisations.

Hirbawi #

Hirbawi is the last remaining keffiyeh factory in Palestine. You can order your Hirbawi keffiyeh, and have it shipped worldwide, here.

Find more information about Hirbawi: Website | Instagram | Facebook

Notes #

  1. ↩︎
  2. Hirbawi. <https://www.kufiya.org/how-to-wear/>. Accessed 22/12/23. ↩︎

  3. Al Jazeera. <https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz7_8y_t27m/?igshid=N2ViNmM2MDRjNw%3D%3D&img_index=1>. Accessed 22/12/23. ↩︎

  4. Hirbawi. <https://www.kufiya.org/how-to-wear/>. Accessed 22/12/23. ↩︎