An Offering from Sara Saleh #

You can access the full text here.

The people of Gaza insist on living.

We must remember and bear witness to this insistence. We must refuse the inevitability of their death and destruction. And fight like it.

May we never tame or temper our righteous anger, but heed what it is teaching us in this moment.

May we have the will to question and unlearn our longstanding beliefs that have led to self-betrayal, that have limited us to see only what we believe.
Beliefs that have given us permission to so callously denigrate other human beings despite our shared humanity.

May we have the humility and wisdom to surrender to the rupture of truth, to change our mind when presented with new information.

Allow us mental, physical and spiritual fortitude to keep struggling as long as necessary.
To educate and organise and boycott and take solidarity actions even when inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Humble us so we may seek help and support if we have doubts of our capacity or our safety.
Our pain is valid in the face of colonial violence.
Our fear is valid in the face of violent retribution.
Out silence, our indifference, is not.

May we be emboldened knowing we are not alone.


May we believe the obstacles are surmountable. Our power is not. May we have the unwavering resolve to keep going.


As we fight for our place in the world, may we find places in each other. May we honour our connections and communities.

Keep saying her name, keep saying Palestine.
A prayer. A recitation. A refusal. A defiance. A revolution. An insistence on life.

Keep saying Palestine.

An Offering from Noura Erakat #

You can access the full video via YouTube and Instagram.

We existed before zionist colonial invasion. We exist now even among the rumble of humanity’s remains.

We will exist when zionism is dismantled bit by every racist colonial bit.

Let me speak to you, let me speak to you as a comrade and tell you that we must fight on. That we must rest and breathe and not tire.

That our efforts are causing global vibrations and generational change.

Filling streets from London to Cairo, Amman to Beirut, Istanbul to Sana’a.

Shutting down congress.

Shutting down Grand Central Station.

Shutting down Highway 101 in San Francisco.

Having a State Department official resign.

A UN Human Rights Officer resign.

Having Chile, Columbia and Jordan rescind their ambassadors, watching Bolivia cut its diplomatic ties.

Listening and witnessing 2,000+ Black allies signing on to a letter in Palestine. When 3 million Belgian unionized workers refused to transport israeli weapons.


As your comrade, I want to ask you and remind you that as we fight on to be vigilant because repression is growing.

To remind you that in our vigilance, we can protect ourselves. We need not cower.